Costume Institute Gala znana również jako Met Ball, jest najbardziej prestiżową imprezą modową na świecie. Gala organizowana od 1948 roku, corocznie gromadzi w Metropolitan Museum of Art w Nowym Jorku najlepszych świata mody, szklanego ekranu, muzyki czy sportu.
- Costume Institute Gala, also known as the Met Ball, is the most prestigious fashion event in the world. Gala organized since 1948, gathers annually at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York the best in fashion, glass screen, music or sports. -
- Costume Institute Gala, also known as the Met Ball, is the most prestigious fashion event in the world. Gala organized since 1948, gathers annually at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York the best in fashion, glass screen, music or sports. -
Poniżej subiektywna lista najlepiej ubranych :)
- Below, subjective list of best dressed :) -

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